Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Social Networking and Socity

How has social networking been a advantage and disadvantage in my life. It has helped stay connected with my friends, and it has also help me keep up with events. It has also been a negative effect, first big reason is it distracting. When trying to do work on the computer you want to go and see updates or even away to procratinate from doing what you are suppose to be doing. Others what people may say about topic and you might have a different view on something.

The postive to social  networking is that people are able to communicate with old friends that they might have lost touch with from the past. The negitive side is it has basically can take over your life people always posting about other people or about something bad that they made up. Then when people read it they believe it and it starts fights and sometimes people take it to heart and might end up doing something extreme, kind of like bullying.

Businesses have defintaly taken advantage of social networking. They can promote there company, give things away, try and put there company out there.

Im not sure how I see the social networking evolving in the next couple years, but i defintaly see it becoming bigger then what it actually is now. Which is actually hard to imagine how it could get any bigger then what it actually is now!


  1. Nice post! Good points about the advantages and disadvantages - it is hard to imagine how it could get any bigger!

  2. You are definately correct about social networking being distracting and how, sometimes, it can take over people's lives. I think if we took the time to get off the computer and call each other or have a face to face conversation, social networking could be a good way of just keeping in touch. The important thing though is the personal side of communication. Social networking can be very impersonal. You never truly know the "tone" with which someone is speaking to you. You know someone is shouting if they use capital letters or exclamation points but it is very hard to detect sarcasm or nastiness by a simple statement.
    Bullying is another issue which you hit on that I agree with. Bullying is a major problem with our younger generation. Social networking has definately made it more problematic. Once something is out there on the web it does not go away.

  3. I couldn't agree more about it being distracting. It's kind of crazy when you find yourself sitting in the same room as a friend of yours, and your both on Facebook instead of having a real conversation. Makes you think about how much times have changed.

  4. It is definitely distracting. Especially when you are bored. I have found myself going on facebook a lot of times during work when we have nothing to do. And it is definitely not a good thing. And even worse is the fact that I don't really care for facebook or any of the other social networking sights. So that doesn't help either.
