Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Desktops vs. laptops

In a presentation in Dublin, Ireland in March 2010, Google sales chief Jim Haley stated that desktops would be irrelevant in three years (
SiliconRepublic.com). Smartphones, notebooks, and the amount of information available online will converge to create a different kind of future than what we’ve known, according to Haley. Do you agree? Why or why not? What impact would that have on the types of hardware and software that are the most in demand?

I disagee with this. I think that desktops might not be as popular but i think they are more durable then like the smart phone and the other items. The desktop stays in one place unlike the other items that might be able to be thrown around and dropped. Which causes them to not work and not last long.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

System Software

1. System software is the set of program that helps run the computer and coordinates instructions between application software and the computer’s hardware devices. From the moment you turn your computer on to the time you shut it down, you are interacting with system software. System software consists of two primary types of program: the operating system and utility programs.

2. Operating systems can be categorized by the type of device in which they are installed into. First operating system is, Real Time Operating System also referred to as embedded systems, requires minimal user interaction. The programs are written specifically for the needs of the devices and their functions. Another operating system is the multiuser operating system also known as Network operating system Enables more than one user to access the computer system at one time by efficiently handling and prioritizing requests from multiple users. Third operating system is the latest version of Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X can be considered network operating systems; they enable users to set up networks in homes and small businesses. Last operating system UNIX, UNIX is a multiuser, multitask operating system, primarily with mainframes.

3. Some common operating systems for a smartphone is Symbian by Nokia, Blackberry by RIM, windows Mobile by Microsoft , iPhone OS X by apple, Android by Google, and webOS by Palm.

I have never heard of Jing before, seems interesting to use though. Jing is simple and free, Jing is the perfect way to enhance your fast-paced online conversations. Create images and videos of what you see on your computer screen, and then share them instantly! You use Jing by taking a snapshot of your computer screen to get an image of what you see, and share with everyone. You can also record up to 5 minutes of screen shots. This site would be best used for businesses because they can add notated screenshots to all your online conversations, or create a quick tutorial video you can share with the entire company. Get everyone on the same page with Jing. It can also be used for students; teachers can give their students the information they need, when they need it. Use Jing to record your feedback as you grade papers, or take a snapshot to share with your class. Your students can even use it to collaborate, or ask questions!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Application software

The main application software that I use is Microsoft word. I’m sure everyone uses, it is a good application to use. It is an application that is a word processor allowing people to use it for main different ways. I use it for school when I have to write a paper it is easier then writing it out, makes it easier for the teacher to read it. Another advantage is using it to make signs for different events. Being able to hand them out and hang them up. My last advantage that I find in Microsoft word is that it helps you spell words correct. Sometimes if I’m not sure on a spelling I will open it up and type the word just to see if I spelled the word right. Other students should use this when writing papers or any kind of document that should be neat instead of writing it out.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Social Networking and Socity

How has social networking been a advantage and disadvantage in my life. It has helped stay connected with my friends, and it has also help me keep up with events. It has also been a negative effect, first big reason is it distracting. When trying to do work on the computer you want to go and see updates or even away to procratinate from doing what you are suppose to be doing. Others what people may say about topic and you might have a different view on something.

The postive to social  networking is that people are able to communicate with old friends that they might have lost touch with from the past. The negitive side is it has basically can take over your life people always posting about other people or about something bad that they made up. Then when people read it they believe it and it starts fights and sometimes people take it to heart and might end up doing something extreme, kind of like bullying.

Businesses have defintaly taken advantage of social networking. They can promote there company, give things away, try and put there company out there.

Im not sure how I see the social networking evolving in the next couple years, but i defintaly see it becoming bigger then what it actually is now. Which is actually hard to imagine how it could get any bigger then what it actually is now!

My First Blog Post

I just create my first blog. I've always wanted to start a blog.